venerdì 29 marzo 2013


Wishing you and your family the happiest Easter of all. God bless you now and always. With love Maria

lunedì 18 marzo 2013

Presentation and photos CZE

Hi, I wanna to apologize, I know I had to send it a bit earlier.
Here is link to, where is our presentation
and here is link to photos (sorted by days) (about 0,5 GB)
and other link to unsorted photos (about 3,5 GB)


mercoledì 6 marzo 2013

Paper topics:

Paper topics: What do we know about the history of paper. /First people who made paper, when was it, what was it used for./ Recycling of paper. How many times can it be recycled. What are recycled paper products that we used . Can we replace usage of paper? How, in what areas of our lives. For what is paper absolutely essential? Imagine your day /or longer period/ without any paper. Write an essay. Draw paper objects or products that surround us. What do you do with waste paper at your home? Do you use waste sorting containers? How many kilos (?) of paper /exercise books etc/ does your class use up per school year? What are the problems caused by paper industry, how can they influence our enviroment. How can each of us help to lower the consumption of paper.
Comenius visit. Barbate January 2013.