This project aims to a better knowledge of all the partner countries from an environmental point of view. Students from different countries ( Italy, Poland, Spain, Czeca Republic, Turkey) are going to inquire into both commonalities and differences in lifestyles and relationships with nature.
venerdì 27 dicembre 2013
martedì 17 dicembre 2013
Plastic Questionarie by Poland
1. Name
five most popular items made of plastic that you use in everyday life.
……………………., ………………………….., ………………………….,
………………………., ……………………
2. After
you finish using the plastic what do you do with it?
a) Throw
it into the dustbin
b) Recycle
c) Reuse
d) Burn
3. Is
there a local plastic recycling scheme in your area?
Yes No
4. Are
you aware of the environmental effects plastic is causing in the world?
Yes No
5. How
much would you say you know about the impact of plastic bags on the
a) I`m
an expert!
b) Quite
a lot.
c) A
d) I`m
pretty vague on the matter.
e) Impact?
What impact?
6. Is
your area badly affected by plastic lying around?
a) It`s
a total rubbish tip.
b) It`s
pretty bad.
c) It`s
kind of average.
d) Not
too bad.
e) Pretty
7. What
is the biggest concern you have about the use of plastic?
a) It
creates litter problem
b) It
uses space in landfills
c) It
can make animals die
d) It`s
not a problem
e) Others
the check-out in a supermarket which of these would you prefer?
a) Ordinary free plastic carrier bag
b) Free plastic bag which is degradable
c) So called ‘eco’ bag, even if I have to pay for it
9. How many times do you re-use your plastic
carrier bag?
a) I don’t re-use plastic bags ever
b) I re-use it only once
c) I re-use it 2-5 times
d) I re-use it more than 5 times
10. When you re-use your plastic bag, what do you use it for?
a) I re-use it for shopping again
b) I use it as a bin liner
c) I use it for other purposes
How would you feel if the government banned the use of plastic carrier
a) It doesn’t bother me
b) I don’t think that a ban is necessary, they
only need to make the bags degradable
I think it`s a great solution!
Do you think that charging for plastic bags is a good idea?
a) Yes
b) No
c) I don’t know
How often you take your own fabric shopping bag with you?
Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never
Why would you not use reusable shopping bags?
a) they are too expensive
b) I forget to take them when
c) they are not the suitable size
for my amount of shopping
d) no reason
15. Do
you support the use of fabric bags as opposed to plastic ones?
Yes No Undecided
16. Analyze the figures regarding the use of plastic in
your country. How popular is it to buy plastic products? Write estimated
percentage for your country.
% packaging
% electronics and electrics
……………. % building industry
% others
17. Analyze the figures concerning recycling
of plastic. Write estimated percentage for your country.
……………….. %
Write your suggestions or ideas about effective ways of solving the
problem of plastic on the environment.
lunedì 16 dicembre 2013
sabato 16 novembre 2013
venerdì 15 novembre 2013
martedì 12 novembre 2013
mercoledì 23 ottobre 2013
domenica 20 ottobre 2013
sabato 19 ottobre 2013
sabato 28 settembre 2013
Questionnaire: Metal recycling
Please choose the right choice.
1. Do you have enough information about using metal?
Yes ( ) No ( )
2. Do you come across with metal tools in your routine life?
Yes ( ) NO r ( )
3. Can metals be used instead of other substances?
Yes ( ) No ( )
4. Would it be a habit able world if everything around us is metal?
Yes ( ) No ( )
5. Is metal recycling necessary according to you?
Yes ( ) No ( )
6. Do you have enough informations about benefit sand harms of metals?
Yes ( ) No ( )
7. Do you have any information about recycling of metal?
Yes ( ) No ( )
8. Do you have any work about recycling of metal?
Yes ( ) No ( )
9. Do we use recycled metal in our daily life?
Yes ( ) No ( )
10. How can we recycle and evaluate metals better?
11. Do you think you get benefit enough from metals?
Yes ( ) No ( )
12. Have you ever heard the concept of “metal fatigue”?
Yes ( ) No ( )
13. Do you know that metal have a certain life?
Yes ( ) No ( )
14. Do you think more durable metal can be produced besides what you know?
Yes ( ) No ( )
15. Do you think metal icobjects are healthy?
Yes ( ) No ( )
16. Have studies about metal recycling been carried out in your country?
Yes ( ) No ( )
17. Do you prefer metal one swhen buying toys?
Yes ( ) No ( )
18. Do you think buying metal toys is the right choice?
Yes ( ) No ( )
19. Is there a contribution of metal recycling to the national ecenomy?
Yes ( ) No ( )
20. Are you able to evaluate your old metal objects?
Yes ( ) No ( )
martedì 3 settembre 2013
martedì 2 luglio 2013
giovedì 27 giugno 2013
martedì 25 giugno 2013
domenica 23 giugno 2013
mercoledì 12 giugno 2013
martedì 11 giugno 2013
lunedì 10 giugno 2013
domenica 9 giugno 2013
domenica 26 maggio 2013
sabato 18 maggio 2013
Tentatively scheduled programme for Comenius visit in Liberec
28.5. Tuesday - arrivals
29.5. Wednesday 9.00 – 12.00 visiting school, miniconference concerning the
„Paper topics“
Lunch at school
13.00 – 18.00 visiting town /town hall, mountain Jested/
Dinner at the hotel
30.5. Thursday 9.00-13.00 school festival
Afternoon: visiting ZOO, or IQ Park
Late afternoon : school party + sport games
31.5. Friday – 9.00 – 12.00 school activities
Lunch at school
Afternoon: visiting Scrap yard, swimming pool
Dinner at the hotel
1.6. Saturday – trip to the famous place with sand rocks, visiting castle Sychrov
2.6. Sunday – trip to the countryside
3.6. Monday- Prague
Get ready for walking and take some good walking shoes with you.
Versione Italiano
Programma indicativo per la visita prevista a Liberec / 28/5-3/6 2013 /
28.5. Martedì - arrivi
29.5. Mercoledì 9.00 - 12.00 visita a scuola miniconferenza relativa al
"Tema della carta"
Pranzo a scuola
13.00 - 18.00 visita alla città / municipio, montagna Jested /
Cena in hotel
30.5. Giovedi 9.00-13.00 festival scolastico
Pomeriggio: visita allo ZOO, o Parco
Tardo pomeriggio: giochi sportivi a scuola
31.5. Venerdì - 9.00 - 12.00 attività scolastiche
Pranzo a scuola
Pomeriggio: visita Scrap yard, piscina
Cena in hotel
1.6. Sabato - gita ad un famoso luogo con rocce di sabbia, visita al Castello Sychrov
26. Domenica - gita in campagna
3.6. Lunedi-Praga
Si camminerà tanto portate con voi delle buone scarpe
martedì 7 maggio 2013
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